Tag: e-Commerce solutions



ASPA como compañía de servicios de ingeniería y TI, especialistas en soluciones de comercio omnicanal y expertos en implantaciones en el sector moda de tecnología SAP hybris,   no podía faltar a la cita de #eCommFashion.


El pasado 21 de mayo estuvimos en ESNE: Escuela Universitaria de Diseño e Innovación, invitados por nuestros amigos de Brainsins,   que junto a FashionBiz2.0, organizaron este evento centrado en eCommerce de moda y donde se abordaron las principales claves a la hora de lanzar un proyecto de moda online.

Se trataron diferentes aspectos relacionados con la creación, gestión y crecimiento de los negocios de moda online; desde las tecnologías más adecuadas para abordar una estrategia online en las diferentes fases de un proyecto de moda, a la importancia de la usabilidad de la web o la necesidad de un diseño responsive. Además se trató en mesas redondas la importancia de todo el proceso logístico en un eCommerce,  la necesidad del cumplimiento de la normativa jurídica en materia IT o la imagen que se quiere proyectar frente a los bloggers o creadores de corrientes de opinión.

2015.05 #ecommFashion mesa redondaPara ello se contó con la presencia de expertos con amplia experiencia en el mundo del eCommerce tales como,  Fernando Palacio (Amazon Fashion), Jorge Cano (UnoDe50), Gonzálo Arredondo (Gocco), Javier Galán (Amichi), Marta Panera (Showroom Prive), Patricia López (Gocco), José María Baños (Lets Law), Carlos García (Jack & Jones), Juan Sandes (Celeritas), Nuria Nicolàs (Fashion Pills), Manuel de Timoteo (The Brubaker), Marta Ibáñez (Hiphunters) y Samary Fernández (Telva).

Los principales mensajes que quedaron fueron que  para conseguir un eCommerce de moda de éxito sería necesario:

La personalización que nos permite segmentar por tipología de clientes y de ese modo, llegar de forma efectiva a los potenciales compradores.

La tecnología de nuestro eCommerce y la necesaria sintonía con el partner que la implemente, ya que nos permitirá que se adapte a nuestras cambiantes necesidades .

La logística  que se trata de un factor higiénico para el cliente y que por tanto no puede fallar. En su defecto, supone una barrera de compra a un sector moda sujeto a constantes devoluciones.

El diseño, fotografía e imágenes fundamentales para captar la atención,  pero también disponer de una web responsive que de respuesta y se adapte a cada dispositivo o canal de venta.

2015.05 Detalle icono servicios ASPA

Sobre ASPA: Los servicios de ASPA  de consultoría e-commerce cubren las diferentes etapas del ciclo de un negocio omnicanal, desde la estrategia hasta la implantación de la solución, y mantenimiento evolutivo posterior. Ya que ASPA como primer Partner de hybris en España,  y actualmente único Gold Partner de Hybris,  llevamos años implantado este tipo de soluciones, especialmente en el sector Moda.

SAP Partner & gold hybris Partner

Nos vemos en el próximo #ecommFashion!


José Manuel González Cid, CEO of ASPA

As the technology industry continues to expand and grow, it tends to outpace even knowledgeable users. The technology consultancy, ASPA, purpose is to assist clients with their information technology needs by managing, choosing and applying the ‘right fit’.

KITE Invest: What was the catalyst behind the creation of ASPA?

ASPA: Eight years ago there was an increasing demand of SAP Services, and due to such a rapid expansion the suppliers did not properly treat many customers at that time. It was the time of many new SAP partners, but most of them were not providing a personalized service to their customers, just a standard one. As a result, ASPA was created by a team of professionals that decided to launch a company in order to provide boutique and highly sophisticated technology services to its customers.

SAP implementation requires the partner to get involved in the understanding of the business, especially taking into account that SAP installation dives very deep into the business workflow across all processes of every company. ASPA value proposition was to create confidence in a very sensitive process for our customers through the involvement of very highly recognized professionals with great experience in Spanish and international companies. So far we can proudly say all of our customers are very satisfied with the approach we make to the projects; firstly, by understanding the product, and secondly, by providing the most suitable solution for them.

KITE: ASPA’s client sector domain ranges from automotive to retail to industrial to distribution. How does ASPA alter it services and incorporate the needs of such a variety of sectors?

ASPA: The range of business typologies ASPA covers is not so large taking into account we are already an eight-year-old company. The reason behind this is that although the necessities of our customers are all different, across sectors there are common patterns. For example, our experience in the automotive sector has opened us up to the possibility to be involved in customers’ secondary or tertiary projects that exhibit similar issues of growth scenarios, such as opening plants in different countries. Their commitment of these companies with us has been so deep that they have relied on us during their international expansion projects all around the world.

KITE: ASPA already has a significant client base including Gestamp, Siemens, Grupo Antolín, CIE Automotive, Blanco, and Metrovacesa, plus many more. As a young company how has ASPA inserted itself in the market in order to obtain such reputable clients?

ASPA: In essence, the philosophy of ASPA is providing an ad-hoc solution, personalized according to the specific requirements of our customers. This working methodology apparently does not allow us to expand at the same speediness as our competitors in terms of revenue, but it allows us to grow in an organic and sustainable way, becoming a fully reliable partner for our customers. When any customer starts working with us, there is a high probability that we forge closer relationships than that of our competitors. These experiences have opened the doors for us to many important customers, and it’s our best greeting card.

KITE: ASPA is an IT consultancy with a specific focus on SAP technology and e-Commerce solutions and is a partner of hybris and SAP. Please explain specifically why are they significant and important?

ASPA: As SAP partner, I’ve already explained which was our approach and our value proposition. Becoming a hybris partner was a strategic decision taking into account the new trends of technology and their integration with consumer’s behavior. Hybris is focused on providing consumers a new shopping experience and the idea that technology is just a tool. In other words, it is the perspective of providing customers only what they require, and of course, technology is key to making that possible. In order to first understand our customer, and second to provide the most suitable solution, we count on the best-qualified staff for it, not just from the certification point of view, but also with knowledge experience in international projects.

KITE: Through its focus on advancing companies and individuals’ technological understanding and use while simultaneously maintaining the one-to-one relationship, the nature of ASPA’s business model resides in the future, placing this new company ahead of the pack. As the first official partner of hybris in Spain, what are some of the benefits and challenges as the sole provider? Why would you say that ASPA is the only company of its ilk in Spain at this time?

ASPA: ASPA started talks with hybris in the beginning of 2011, when almost no one in Spain knew about this company, and in 2012 we became an official partner. We had experiences with other eCommerce platforms in the past and we realize that there is lot to do in this field in Spain. Our benchmark soon brought us the attention by other European countries and in the Unite States. Its success is thanks to it robustness and innovative ways of focusing on new challenges that all of our customer companies will have to face. Somehow we were visionary, because two years later, the largest software company in the world, SAP, purchased ASPA.

KITE: Does ASPA have plans to expand beyond Spain’s borders? And if so, briefly shed light on the company’s 5, 10 and 15-year plans.

ASPA: As a service company, we are required to be a profitable company, but also, not to forsake growth strategies. There are new challenges we are already facing that require a minimum critical mass in order to tackle more complex projects. Until now we have accompanied our customer beyond our natural borders, so in our makeup there is an international approach that we cannot give up on. European and Latin American countries should be our next step, though China, where we already have worked, is also a possibility.

KITE: In terms of investment, what is the ideal investment and investor that ASPA is looking for?

ASPA: Along this interview I’ve tried to highlight the spirit of this company, a spirit we are not going to betray. Investors that would like to run this long-term race with us are more than welcomed. Financial investors are always a good choice, but those who have experience in the sector and want to be involved in the management of the company, we will open our doors to, as they will enrich our best practices and show us new challenges we are going to face in the near future.
